Rising Professional Challenge Series #1
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- 1 - Networking

Networking is an important components that helps accelerate your career by being exposed to more people and opportunities. It is easier to build a large network by starting as early as possible. Networking is connecting with your peers and other industry professionals, and we challenge you to start networking now.
Our challenge for you is to start networking with two new professionals each month. Networking means either recording their name, email and phone number or connecting with them on LinkedIn. Please create a LinkedIn account if you do not have one as this account is a great way to network in the professional community. LinkedIn makes it easy to stay in touch with connections even through job transitions. Feel free to start with friends and co-workers, but continue to broaden your network with two new connections each month. Additionally, follow Exerceo on LinkedIn to get updates on our Rising Professional Challenge Series: Exerceo LinkedIn
To successfully accomplish this task we have a few recommendations. First, get a free email account not tied to a provider (aka not school, Comcast, Verizon, …). Presently, the most popular free emails are Google’s Gmail and Microsoft’s Outlook. Why is this important? You want your networking to follow you throughout your career; consequently, we do not want to tie this hard work to any accounts that are highly likely to change. For example, school or provider based accounts can expire or shutdown unexpectedly outside of your control. Another great way to network professionally is to start a LinkedIn account and network via social media with other professionals.
Exerceo welcomes feedback! Improving the community of rising professionals is a team sport. Please join our team by sharing your success stories and constructive criticism to both inspire and improve our programs for everyone. Please send all feedback to feedback@exerceo.org
Exerceo's goal is to provide guidelines to rising professionals; however, everyone's situation can vary greatly so please apply your own judgment and best practices.
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