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Tyler's Success Story
Tyler Boyle participated in the System Administration Working Group (SAWG). The SAWG is a program in Exerceo's IT Initiative and is ideal for highly motivated individuals working to improve their system administration, hardware, and/or networking skills while taking their career to the next level. The group combines industry standard practices and current technologies to produce a well-rounded curriculum that goes beyond conceptual learning for candidates of any experience level.
Tyler was originally working for a local computer repair company and small managed services provider but wanted more out of his current career. Exerceo's SAWG provided Tyler the right opportunity to gain the knowledge and experience to quickly find a more fulfilling position as an enterprise system administrator at a large regional health care system.
Tyler credits Exerceo, the SAWG Program and perhaps most of all the volunteer mentors that help create a vibrant learning environment with use of Cultivation, a six-step discipline for identifying and mentoring tomorrow's superstars by immersing them in a positive, collaborative, and empowering environment that encourages learning and career development. Tyler was concerned that "Almost everyone else is a college student learning to code, or a professional looking to add to their resume. It did feel like I was starting out behind the curve in a lot of ways, but that was never reflected in how I was looked at by anyone else. Everyone was very helpful, instructors and fellow students alike."
Tyler's career is more fulfilling (and challenging) and he is excited for new opportunities. "The program helped me out with all aspects of what I do now. From staying self-motivated to honing my skills at a computer, I can fully credit Exerceo for helping me rediscover my passion for technology and giving me to tools to succeed in the field."
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