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- Jeff's Success Story

Jeff's Success Story
Jeff was beginning his freshman year of college when he decided that he wanted to learn more about Software Development. As he searched for a resource to learn more about Software Development, he stumbled across Exerceo's very own Software Development Working Group and immediately began embarking on his learning journey.
Initially, Jeff did not have many expectations for the program. He believed that "…the program would introduce me to some frameworks and get a better understanding of the industry." However, to his surprise, he ended up learning much more. Some of the broader aspects of Software Development that he learned about included Linux, Git, and Agile processes. Unfortunately, with learning these new aspects came a few unexpected challenges. For Jeff these were opportunities to improve his problem solving capabilities by "Asking some questions, looking at other code for reference, and by trying to search online for some guidance." Jeff developed vital problem solving skills making him more effective and efficient.
Jeff graduated from college in May 2018 and is heading to New York to be a Software Engineer at Yext. After taking part in our program, he believes that it helped him "Learn some of the tools that I used in school by introducing them to me before I learned them in the classroom." He was very happy that his initial expectations of the program were also met, which were to introduce him to some frameworks and get a better understanding of the industry. He recalls that "I got a better understanding of Software Development in a company. I picked up some good coding practices."
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