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Are you a treasure hunter? Here is how we find hidden all-star employees
Junior professionals such as interns, CO-OPs, and new hires are hidden treasures often overlooked, underutilized, and improperly engaged. These junior professionals provide an incredible opportunity to establish an environment of Cultivation that places candidates and the company on a successful path toward building a mutually beneficial relationship.
Most organizations do a poor job of engaging junior professionals. A rare few do it well; many do it poorly, and the majority choose not to hire junior professionals at all. Why? Engaging junior professionals is not easy and is often not a high priority within organizations.
We suggest a paradigm shift, move away from the traditional terms such as "internship" and "CO OP," toward the term IMMERSION. Treat all junior professionals with the utmost importance that they deserve by establishing an environment of Cultivation by IMMERSING and mentoring candidates in the organization from the start. This environment welcomes candidates and directly uses their input and feedback as part of the continuing cycle of process improvement. It is important that this IMMERSION empowers candidates to contribute directly toward the mission of the organization. These contributions can be small at first but should continually grow with the proper mentorship. The IMMERSION paradigm shift enables an organization to engage all types of junior professionals while making productive and important contributions toward the mission.
In summary, start building future generations using our Cultivation process within your organization. Junior professionals are the future! Not sure how? Engage Exerceo to help your organization.
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Exerceo exists to lead and inspire others to transform society by extending relevant learning and mentorship into everyday lifestyle.