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- Road-Blocks

Road-blocks also known as excuses are the easy way out. This behavior has become more prevalent in the past few years. It is critical that we do not accept this behavior from our candidates. Instead, we must teach them to think much harder or to take calculated risks in moving forward in uncharted territory to work toward a solution that bypasses or minimizes the road-blocks. Have the candidates ask themselves if this is really a road block and why? Often times we find them scurrying away to work on the problem when they think about it for a few minutes. This is one of the common bad habits we have to break in candidates! Management must immediately be made aware of true road-blocks and then candidates must move onto another aspect of the task, even if it requires some assumptions. Bottom line, it is rare that all work must stop on any given task. It is way too easy to make excuses; however, in creating successful candidates we must break this bad habit and mentor them to find solutions and not excuses!
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